
She wants them to say they'll stay at Yahoo for three to five years. It's a big ask, but it could be good for the struggling firm.
With frequent travels to many different types of organizations, there's one thing I notice first when walking the hallways, presenting at meetings, or being greeted by the receptionist. That's the level of employee happiness and general satisfaction. I refer to this internal corporate barometer as an organization's "Happiness Index."
We are fascinated by motivation, its origin, how to obtain it, keep it, fuel it and more. We have motivational speakers, self-help books and gurus all available and ready to help us be and stay motivated. But motivation, like so many other human emotions or thoughts, rises and falls, or more aptly ebbs and flows.
"In fact, it's almost impossible."
Humility is the new hotness in the C-suite.
There have been times when I have desperately wanted to throw my hands in the air and scream, and times when I have done just that. But there have also been moments when I have felt like I was the student instead of the teacher.
People are the main and the most important resource of each company. For achieving great results each leader needs to have a motivation strategy to create and maintain the spirit of enthusiasm among employees