
I encourage you to read each of the descriptions for the seven decision making styles. You will learn more about yourself, and you may begin to see your team members, coworkers, children, partners or spouse in a new light and appreciate the unique contributions they can each bring.
Ever worked with a manager who knew what mattered and stood her ground about these things? Then you probably worked with a manager who leads from her values.
Building the right team is one of the key requirements for any administration to be successful; while great and visionary leaders can point the way, only great leadership teams can achieve success.
"To dare is to lose one's footing momentarily. To not dare is to lose oneself." -- Soren Kierkegaard
There can't be socially responsible business as long as the basic framework of business, the underlying idea that the employer makes the rules and calls the shots and employees grin and bear it, gets replaced, or at least shifted, in a big way.