2018 Elections

Democrats can win in rural states, but the formula isn’t easy to replicate.
In the newly unearthed video, the Senate hopeful from Mississippi retells jokes about wives being left outside or left for dead.
“When I was growing up they said I look like Elvis,” the president told rally attendees in Tupelo, Mississippi.
A runoff election will decide if Mike Espy, a black man, can defeat Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith.
Democrats won all over the country by offering real answers to voters' fears.
What the wins and losses of this year’s ballot measures mean for the political debates of the future.
Spartan message discipline -- and avoiding talk of Donald Trump -- helped these incoming Democratic freshmen flip previously red districts.
The "Morning Joe" host said Trump will not do well in some swing areas in the 2020 election "unless he radically changes."
Lucky for them, she's too effective as a leader to let it succeed.