2018 Elections

Brenda Snipes was a frequent target of the president, who claimed there were "bad things" going on in Broward County.
Neither the machine recount nor the manual recount of “overvotes” and “undervotes” appreciably changed the final margin of votes.
The announcement comes after a week and a half of uncertainty over a recount.
Upholding white supremacy does, in fact, serve white women’s interest.
“Attacks on immigrants and racist rhetoric, increasingly aimed at Asian immigrants and Asian-Americans, had some harmful consequences for the Republican Party."
The biggest difference, observers say, is the rhetoric elected officials are using to escalate accusations of fraud.
The Democrat said she isn't conceding but is ending her run against Republican Brian Kemp.
Democratic super PAC American Bridge readjusted for the Trump era, and it paid off.
Provisional ballots often go overlooked, until they make a big difference in a tight race.
"It has been, at times, hard for me to listen to him about my husband, I'll be honest," Cindy McCain said in her first interview since John McCain's death.