Amy Klobuchar

The Minnesota senator’s chances at the vice presidential slot on the Democratic ticket dwindled dramatically after the death of George Floyd.
The Minnesota senator said it is "absolutely false" that she declined to prosecute the officer who kneeled on Floyd's neck for a separate 2006 killing.
Joe Biden won the support of black voters. Picking Klobuchar as his running mate could unravel that.
Some former aides have accused the Minnesota senator of mistreating them over the years.
The former vice president declared he will pick a female running mate and has floated several potential choices.
The Minnesota senator and former 2020 presidential candidate described her family's experience as “one of the hardest, hardest things.”
“The hardest thing about the disease is you can’t visit your loved one,” the former 2020 presidential candidate said.
The former vice president said he would pick a woman as his running mate if he secures the Democratic nomination to challenge President Donald Trump.
The senator urged Hennepin County's top prosecutor to call for an independent review of the case Klobuchar handled that imprisoned a Black teen for life.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) is ending her presidential campaign after a poor performance on Super Tuesday.