Amy Klobuchar

“Miss, are you gonna ask or are you gonna give a lecture?” he asked a reporter.
Pete Buttigieg, Beto O’Rourke and Sen. Amy Klobuchar all threw their support behind Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.
The three Democrats are throwing their support behind the former vice president, a fellow moderate, after dropping out of the presidential race themselves.
The Minnesota senator is ending her bid for the White House.
The Minnesota senator reportedly plans to endorse Joe Biden.
The 2020 candidate has been criticized for her handling as prosecutor of a case that put a Black teenager behind bars for life without enough evidence.
The Chilean firm looking to build a copper-nickel mine near a Minnesota wilderness area has a connection to the Trump family and a record of pollution overseas.
It's the Democrats' final showdown before the state's primary on Saturday.
Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) has unveiled his $1.5 trillion child care plan, which promises free universal child care regardless of income.
The Vermont senator's win solidified his front-runner status in the crowded field as the race turned to Saturday's presidential primary in South Carolina.