Flint Water Crisis

"Flint was a casualty of arrogance, disdain and a failure of management," Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette said.
"We all have the power to channel our anger and frustration into action,” said Beyoncé.
“We’ve got an ongoing crisis to this day,” the Natural Resources Defense Council says.
The ongoing crisis has left the city without safe drinking water for over two years, but the state claims water deliveries are too much to ask.
Team Clinton had advance warning of a question about the Flint water crisis before a March debate with Bernie Sanders.
Many American cities are struggling to keep up aging water systems.
We asked water officials in America's 10 largest cities a simple question, and got some baffling responses.
And residents are getting sick.
Residents of Flint, Michigan, still don't trust their water -- and they're tired of waiting for the fix that's needed.
WRDA 2016 provides the critical support Flint needs now and it will help to prevent future water and wastewater infrastructure crises across the nation.