High School

There are already 53 federal investigations at 51 school districts.
It's okay to be weird. Here's why.
An assistant principal tackled the shooter, likely saving the lives of others.
John Krahn is now striving to lose weight -- both to aid his current team and his future prospects.
Every catch is a one-handed catch for Kris Silbaugh.
The average SAT score has dropped to its lowest level since the test was revamped in 2005. But scores have stubbornly followed economic, racial, and gender lines, bringing the overall value of the test into question. Is it the best way to judge student performance?
3,500 calories per day seems like way too much for teen girls.
St. Mary's Academy in Portland has instituted a policy forbidding hiring discrimination based on sexual orientation.
"For my senior basketball picture to be left out was humiliating and embarrassing."