High School

Adults have always bemoaned the moral decay of the younger generation. And they keep getting it wrong.
The Georgia school director who made racially charged comments during a private school graduation ceremony has been fired.
Let me ask you all a question: Doesn't it seem more humane to assign a teenager perhaps two hours of homework each night?
As time goes on, perhaps even the CollegeBoard will realize that they should focus more on modern applications than classical ones, and perhaps one day more of the novels high school students read can be similar to contemporary novels and works.
It seems like the kids are grown, that the need to document their gorgeous faces has lost its urgency as the transitions slow. Wrong. That just-finished-childhood-not-quite-adult look is fleeting. Get someone who knows what they are doing to capture it.
The previous three years of high school went by in the blink of an eye, and senior year will be no different. Navigating the final year of high school can be eerily similar to the first, with a lot of nerves and high expectations for the "best year ever."
A day doesn't go by that my students don't enlighten me with their genuine innocence or entertain me with their youthful ignorance.
Questions aside, I also have a few wishes for you. I know you'll probably go through heartbreak with college decision letters (who doesn't?), but I sincerely wish your ultimate path will be one that you love and one that will never make you feel like you're settling for less.