House Oversight Committee

The White House said President Trump's counselor "cannot be compelled to testify."
In addition, more than 25 kids were separated from their parents for more than a year.
The agency hopes to get Congress' help in trimming pensions and paid leave, as well as slashing delivery service.
Chairman Elijah Cummings said the Cabinet officials’ refusal to comply with subpoenas was "part of a pattern."
In a House hearing on white supremacy, Susan Bro, the mother of Heather Heyer, testified about the death of her daughter during the 2017 Charlottesville protests.
The Republicans accused the Democratic lawmakers of meddling in state election issues.
"Are you serious? This is really, seriously happening here?" the former secretary of state asked Rep. Thomas Massie in disbelief.
Former Secretary of State John Kerry answered questions on climate change for Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.), who didn’t appear to be familiar with the definition of political science.
Defense attorney Lanny Davis says Cohen didn't lie under oath because he didn't ask about a pardon directly -- his then-lawyer did.
Americans' views about White House wrongdoing have changed little since last summer.