James Comey

The New York Attorney General is investigating whether the Trump Organization lied about the value of its assets in order to get loans or tax benefits.
The former Democratic presidential candidate's response said volumes without saying a word.
The "Harry Potter" star is completely unrecognizable as the president.
"There was real sloppiness," the former FBI director told Fox News' Chris Wallace.
Trump told Christie in February 2017 that the "Russia thing" was "over," the former New Jersey governor told FBI investigators, noting that he "laughed" at the suggestion.
"The House has no choice but to pursue an impeachment inquiry," Comey says in Politicon interview.
The small-screen adaptation of the former FBI director's memoir will also feature Emmy-winner Brendan Gleeson as Donald Trump.
Comey did not, however, leak classified information to the media, as the president has regularly claimed.
The former FBI director “violated Department and FBI policies" in his attempt to bring about the appointment of a special counsel, the IG said.