James Comey

The Justice Department reportedly declined to prosecute the former FBI director because there wasn't enough evidence showing he intended to break the law.
“If there are bad facts, show us," tweeted the former FBI director. "Donald Trump has enough spokespeople."
Former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein defends his handling of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, calling James Comey a “partisan pundit.”
"My soul and character are pretty much the same today as they were two years ago," the former deputy attorney general said.
A scare started by crazed QAnon theorists frightens event organizers worried that "unstable people" might "take action."
In a New York Times op-ed, the former FBI director took the attorney general and his deputy, Rod Rosenstein, to task.
Huckabee Sanders is rebuffing calls to resign after the Mueller report revealed she admitted to misleading the press.
Kellyanne Conway had "alternative facts." Now, Sarah Huckabee Sanders has her own phrase for falsehoods.
Here are the episodes of potential obstruction that the special counsel looked at in the Russia investigation.
The White House press secretary reportedly admitted to fabricating her claim that "rank-and-file" FBI agents had "lost confidence in their director."