Michael Bloomberg

The MSNBC host has his own history of sexist remarks and at least one sexual harassment complaint.
As NYC mayor, Bloomberg used the terrorist attacks to justify spying on Muslims.
The senator from Massachusetts went after the former New York mayor during the Democratic presidential debate in Charleston, South Carolina.
The disgraced movie producer backed the then-mayor’s reelection, and Bloomberg appointed him to a charity board.
Trump’s Republican Party has been crowing about the $200 million he has socked away for reelection. That’s less than one-three-hundredth of what Michael Bloomberg has.
Seven Democratic presidential hopefuls face off in South Carolina for the 10th Democratic debate.
The 2020 candidate has a problematic record when it comes to policing and violating Muslim civil rights, they say.
Despite the freakout from TV pundits, the Nevada caucuses are a cause for optimism in dark days.
He defends his personal fortune by defending Xi Jinping.
The candidate said there are three women who have made complaints about his behavior, and he will not oppose them if they decide to speak publicly.