Michael Bloomberg

Michael Bloomberg's campaign manager admits he doesn't know who did the damage, but points a finger at Sanders' supporters.
At a certain point, $20 donations simply can’t match billionaires.
Her campaign raised more than $5 million in the 24 hours after the Las Vegas debate, but a path to the Democratic nomination remains elusive.
The billionaire presidential candidate has fully or partially reversed himself on stances he took as recently as 2019.
“I used to teach contract law,” the senator said during a CNN town hall.
That year was the height of stop-and-frisk in New York when nearly 700,000 people, more than half of them Black, were stopped by police.
The senator told "The View" that the former mayor's response to the "wholly wrong" policy has been "simply not good enough."
Nondisclosure agreements were a hot topic in Wednesday night's presidential debate. They are everywhere else in America, too.
Bloomberg's clip featured heavily edited footage of other Democratic candidates.
The company that made Michael Bloomberg his billions has told government watchdogs it hires fewer women and pays them less than men.