Mick Mulvaney

The acting White House chief of staff wore a stars and stripes shirt and a "Space Force" hat and immediately went viral.
Acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney was among those who tried to defend the president's actions, The Washington Post reported.
The House Intelligence Committee chairman urged John Bolton to have the "courage" to testify in the impeachment inquiry.
CNN host calls out GOP lawmakers for an insincere defense of the president.
The CNN host also warned against becoming distracted during the impeachment inquiry.
The former national security adviser is considered by Democrats to be a key witness in the impeachment inquiry into Trump.
The president has claimed that he was one to release the funds, and that there was no quid pro quo for his call to investigate Joe Biden.
Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney is not expected to comply with the democrats' subpoena for his testimony in the impeachment inquiry.
John Eisenberg is one of four White House witnesses subpoenaed for House testimony Monday. None of them are expected to appear.
Robert Blair, Mulvaney's senior national security adviser, was on Trump's call with the president of Ukraine that prompted the whistleblower complaint.