And they say finding out would jeopardize national security.
Let's be clear: the problem is Russia.
"She was afraid she was going to disappear," her mother said.
The FBI arrested 25-year-old federal contractor Reality Winner for leaking a classified NSA report about an attempted Russian cyberattack.
The federal contractor -- who allegedly leaked a document proving Russian meddling in the election -- doesn't seem to be a big fan of the president.
The Intercept published a May 5 intelligence report on a cyberattack aimed at a voting software company and local election officials.
Brad Smith calls out the government agency for "hoarding" secrets and putting millions at risk.
"The governments of the world should treat this attack as a wake-up call," Microsoft's Brad Smith said.
The agency had warrants from the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance court to spy on only 42 terrorism suspects in 2016.