The "Black Mirror"-esque "dogs" were creepy as hell — but we've got more to worry about.
New York City officials have unveiled three new high-tech policing devices including a robotic dog that critics called creepy when it first joined the police pack 2 1/2 years ago.
The actor Jonathan Majors was arrested Saturday in New York on charges of strangulation, assault and harassment after a domestic dispute.
The city proposes to pay each protester $21,500 to settle a police-brutality lawsuit.
Three police officers wounded in the attack are in stable condition.
Eight people have suffered minor injuries in a fire at a New York Police Department facility that houses DNA evidence from crime scenes.
A former undercover police officer left a note alleging that he assisted the NYPD and FBI in the murder of Malcolm X.
John Miller resigned from the NYPD after lying about its Muslim surveillance program. Now he’s covering law enforcement for CNN.
Police say Tamani Crum, who was charged, interfered with an arrest but observers say the officer went too far.
Larry Pfaff Jr. wrote that his dad's death is proof that “evil does eventually die.”