That would be "the same troubling surveillance it has conducted for decades on political activists."
"We need EMS... we have a report of a firearm... firefighter shot."
Joel Doseau allegedly met the girl online and lied about his age.
It's the second alleged anti-gay assault by NYPD officers in less than three weeks.
A new report raises a lot of questions about the NYPD's pilot program.
"You can't break into someone's home and kill them and walk away scot-free. It's just not right."
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s strained relationship with the city’s police came to a head this week at the NYPD Academy’s graduation ceremony.
Full Segment: It's Day 3 in the Kimani Gray Protest & the riots are still going on. We talk to those on the scene about the latest in Kimani Gray & other New York crime news.