Politics and National Security

The national security nominees are Washington veterans with ties to the Obama administration, a sign of Biden’s effort to resume some form of normalcy.
Biden will be the first person to read the President's Daily Brief in months — a stark example of how Trump viewed his presidential duties.
Over 100 GOP luminaries bashed the president for his "anti-democratic assault" on the integrity of the election.
President Donald Trump is spending his final weeks in the White House wreaking national security chaos.
The outgoing president is purging agencies to expand his influence, and Biden's team can do little to limit Trump's behavior toward Iran, Afghanistan and more.
Geopolitics may have played a role in not using the 250,000 test kits as the Trump administration is locked in a trade war with China.
He could be manipulated to sway U.S. policy by organizations or individuals he’s indebted to.
People with huge debts aren't usually granted security clearance because they're susceptible to foreign influence, Timothy O'Brien says.
President Trump's administration order had originally set TikTok to be banned from app stores in the U.S. by midnight on Monday.
National security correspondent Jennifer Griffin calls her sources "unimpeachable" — unlike Trump.