
The new program will help schools pay for meals by raising $100 million a year through tax increases on those making more than $300,000 a year.
After a Rhode Island school district faced national backlash for its “lunch shaming” policy, Chobani and other donors have helped pay off students’ lunch debt.
One TikTok featuring the New York superintendent's bizarre act has received over 131,000 views, as of Monday morning.
A third grader being hailed as a hero says he learned the lifesaving Heimlich maneuver from his dad.
"The teachers and other parents on this field trip are looking at me like they’ve never seen a chaperone order a beer at lunch before."
Texas police officers are under an internal investigation after pushing and slamming students in a high school on Wednesday.
The rapper has doubled down on his claims about reading and yet opened a school that runs on a few classes and vibes.
But the House nominee, who is due to represent part of a Hasidic enclave in Brooklyn, called for a better understanding of the “context” in which the schools exist.
"For a lot of us book-lovers, the book fair of our childhood holds a misty, sepia-tinted place in our memories."
In 18 counties across the state, the Trump wanna-be is backing far-right candidates that seek to mount a culture war inside Florida schools.