how to sleep better

You may not even realize how certain habits affect your bedtime zzz's. Here’s what you need to know.
These are just a few simple suggestions on how to limit under-sleeping or oversleeping so that you lack of or excess Zzz's don't expand your waistline or keep you from losing fat
Take our quiz to see if you're a "sleep amateur" or a "sleep champion."
Whether you're tired but wired or putting off bed for the thousand things on your to-do list, here's how to stop and get some sleep.
No kooky pre-bed concoctions or old wives' tales -- just tried-and-true tips we've heard experts recommend time and time again.
You don't have to yawn your way through the a.m.
What happens when you throw different sleeping styles -- and personalities -- into one bed? Or really, any two individual personalities into one of the most intimate and venerable situations we humans experience? It's actually quite fascinating.