andrew mccabe

The former Trump campaign chairman was sentenced to less than four years in prison for eight counts of bank and tax fraud.
The former FBI acting director said an Obama-appointed inspector general's report on his falsehoods was erroneous.
The former FBI official hit back at Trump labeling him “a poor man’s J. Edgar Hoover."
“I am confident that everyone in the room knew exactly what we were doing," McCabe said of his meeting with the Gang of Eight.
President Donald hurled scathing insults at former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, but ignored reports that McCabe briefed top Republican lawmakers on the investigation into him.
The former director of national intelligence said it was “a really painful thing to say."
The former acting FBI director told CNN's Anderson Cooper he is "anxious to see where Mueller concludes that."
McCabe, who took over as acting FBI director after James Comey was fired, opened two investigations into Donald Trump and his campaign's ties to Russia.
Trump's latest attack on Andrew McCabe and James Comey takes a golden turn.
"The idea that they were treasonous is 180 degrees wrong."