Bill Maher

“He is the first president that I know of who spends more time reading his Twitter ‘likes’ than his briefing books or the constitution of the United States."
"They’re bored. He hasn’t written new material," said the "Real Time" host.
“He didn’t make America great again but he did turn back the odometer,” the actor said on “Real Time with Bill Maher."
"I don't mean people like me, I mean the people who work for him," said the "Real Time" host.
“If they lock up any more white Republicans the white NFL players are going to start taking a knee," added the "Real Time" host.
“Giuliani is supposed to be a professional lawyer," said the former U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York.
"Not such a good week for the president," said the "Real Time" host.
“That's right, Donald Trump was just posing as a disgusting pervert for the last half-century to gain credibility so he could go after the real perverts now."
"We live in a country now where reporting reality gets attacked because it threatens the fantasy world created by the cult leader."