Civil and political rights

If he could speak to his old friend now, the congressman would also highlight the “great distance to go before we lay down the burden of racism."
Keith served more than 50 years in the federal courts.
The issue is whether Title VII of the federal Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits sex discrimination, protects LGBTQ people from job discrimination.
The prime minister addressed “slightly confused people” after an Israeli celebrity defended the rights of Israel’s Arab population.
Caroline Modarressy-Tehrani spoke with political strategist Rev. Leah Daughtry about civil rights, family activism and faith.
Kaepernick, a civil rights activist and former NFL star, is too controversial for Wisconsin, according to GOP state senators.
Sandler's work led to the creation of Title IX, the federal civil rights law that ensures gender equality in education.
Charlotte Clymer says nothing is more enraging "as someone who votes for the Republican Party but claims to care about my rights and that of others."
Facing an onslaught of civil rights abuses, NAACP lawyers Sherrilyn Ifill and Janai Nelson are making history in real time.
States are trying to capitalize on the 50th anniversaries of many civil rights milestones.