Civil and political rights

Voter suppression is endangering a crucial civil right, and Jeff Sessions is letting it happen. But all is not lost.
One out of ten Floridians is barred from voting, for life, because they committed a crime. That could be about to change.
America loves to extend unconditional forgiveness to racists, and it's going to be our downfall.
More than 200 civil rights groups opposed Andrew Oldham, but every Republican voted to make him a lifetime federal judge.
The 50-year-old anti-poverty movement has seen a revival in the era of Trump.
The first black presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church is an outspoken advocate of civil and LGBTQ rights.
The gun group has worked to "perpetuate the culture of violence that we have in our country," the congresswoman said.
David Buckel said he killed himself with "fossil fuel" to show "what we are doing to ourselves."
While he was alive, most white Americans didn't think Martin Luther King Jr. was helping the cause of civil rights.