Diet and Weight Loss

Unlike the keto diet, this lifestyle is actually healthy for you in the long term.
Experts share the worst slip-ups you can make while attempting the eating plan.
I’ve done all the work, put in all the effort, and still, I struggle ― I still, despite my efforts to the contrary, spend more time hating my body than loving it.
Your body can get out of ketosis with the slightest of mistakes. Eat these salads and you won’t mess it up.
Restricting yourself ultimately doesn't work. Here's why.
Good riddance to "penis" facials and appetite-suppressing lollipops.
Remarks about a person's appearance and health can be extremely damaging — and flat out wrong.
Experts explain the most common reasons you're hitting a plateau and what to do.
“The beginning of the keto plan can be overwhelming. Hangry doesn’t even begin to describe it."