Herschel Walker

Despite his many scandals and gaffes, polls show the former football star trailing only slightly behind Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock.
We shouldn't battle pollution because our good air will just "decide" to go to China, the Trump-backed Georgian told supporters, drawing massive blowback.
"Get home and raise your kids!" Christian Walker lectures men as the public learns his own dad has three other children.
The Republican Senate nominee has called fatherless homes a “major, major problem.”
The Republican Senate nominee in Georgia has spoken out against kids being raised in fatherless homes but has reportedly had limited contact with this child.
The Georgia GOP Senate candidate could inspire this decade’s version of the Chuck Norris joke.
The Trump-endorsed Georgia Senate candidate has reportedly claimed he worked for a police department and as an FBI agent.
Super PAC sparked outrage after handing out $25 gas vouchers campaigning for Georgia Republican Herschel Walker even though Walker has said he was not involved in the giveaway.
Georgians wonder why they can't give voters waiting on long lines water, but a super PAC stumping for Herschel Walker can pass out gas vouchers.