Herschel Walker

After the 2001 incident, Texas police officers confiscated a handgun from the Georgia Senate candidate's car and placed his address on a “caution list” because of “violent tendencies.”
Herschel Walker's campaign had at first defended the syringe swastika image, saying it was “clearly an anti-mandatory vaccination graphic.”
Three GOP Senate candidates, including two with Trump’s backing, have been accused of abusing women. Republicans don’t seem to mind.
GOP Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp said Walker "could bring a lot of things to the table" but "there's also a lot of questions out there."
The president is fighting to energize his sagging reelection bid and potentially stave off a defeat of major proportions.
“I know his tweets can feel a bit unfiltered.” During her speech at the GOP convention, Ivanka Trump recognized that her father isn’t so kind.