John Oliver

The "Last Week Tonight" host said the show mythologized cops as "exceptionally competent" while whitewashing "a flawed system riddled with structural racism."
The "Last Week Tonight" host also took aim at King Charles and the new prime minister.
The "Last Week Tonight" host noticed Giuliani basically admitted "on Trump's behalf that he took those documents."
The host of HBO's "Last Week Tonight" said it'll "take years to fully comprehend" the scope of this disaster.
The host of "Last Week Tonight" ripped the Georgia lawmaker's cruel and homophobic take on the monkeypox outbreaks.
The host took a swipe at the GOP Senate nominee's history of alleged quackery.
Footage of the Missouri Republican running on Jan. 6, 2021, is painfully embarrassing, the “Last Week Tonight" host said.
This is like stepping onto the sand and into a nightmare.
The "Last Week Tonight" host hit a developer with a deluge of barbs in a segment on water shortage.