presidential pardon

The president pardoned more than a dozen people, including three corrupt former congressmen and two subjects of the Russia investigation.
George Papadopoulos and Alex van der Zwaan, figures in the Mueller probe, as well as former Reps. Duncan Hunter and Chris Collins, were granted clemency.
An investigation into an alleged bribery-for-pardons scheme reportedly scrutinized a lawyer for Jared Kushner and a top Trump campaign fundraiser.
The pardons could benefit Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump and Ivanka Trump, as well as son-in-law Jared Kushner.
The federal court's opinion stated that the government could access certain information not protected by attorney-client privilege, pointing to possible charges.
Fox News host didn't specify what criminal charges the Trumps could be up against.
His policies harm people of color, but he used their stories as political props at this week’s Republican National Convention.
The museum dedicated to Susan B. Anthony turned down a presidential pardon and instead suggested ways President Donald Trump could truly honor the late suffrage leader.
Trump has previously said he'll "take a look" at pardoning the star of the hit Netflix series.
Trump accused the FBI of losing Flynn's "records." Attorney General William Barr recently ordered a review Flynn’s criminal case.