presidential pardon

“No one is above the law and New York will not turn a blind eye to criminality," Gov. Andrew Cuomo said.
The president has told aides troubled by his orders not to "worry" about flouting any laws, The Washington Post reported.
The 2020 presidential candidate's Restoring Justice Initiative would aim to free federal prisoners “serving unjust and excessive sentences."
The president appears to be taking a step back following an outcry from veterans and former military officials.
Their alleged crimes include killing young children and burning bodies.
The state Assembly voted to permit authorities to bring state charges against individuals who have received presidential pardons.
The move "spits on the honor of the U.S. Navy and every single one of us who served with distinction and conviction to our oaths," a vet said on Twitter.
Black has spent the past few years lavishing praise on Trump and even wrote a book calling him a “president like no other.”
Paula Duncan said she set politics aside to convict Paul Manafort and now wants him to serve his punishment.
Lanny Davis says his client "does not want anything from Donald Trump."