Puerto Rico

The most populous U.S. territory is bracing again for more rate hikes — not to build a better grid, but to pay off debt and interest to creditors.
Analysts from island nations struggling with expensive fossil fuels and extreme weather say the latest effort to counter China’s modest influence in the region does “not impress.”
There are so many places right in our own backyard that warrant repeat visits.
In a case that stumped authorities for decades, Patricia Kopta was declared legally dead but has now been found living in a nursing home.
The U.S. House has passed a bill that would allow Puerto Rico to hold the first-ever binding referendum on whether to become a state or gain some sort of independence.
Three Customs and Border Protection Marine Interdiction Agents exchanged gunfire with two people who were aboard the suspected smuggling ship, officials said.
Pressure is mounting for the U.S. territory’s leaders to cancel its contract with LUMA Energy.
“We’re going to make sure you get every single dollar promised," the president vowed to residents of the island battered by Hurricane Fiona.
President Joe Biden says the U.S. government will be with Puerto Rico for the long haul as it cleans up and rebuilds after Hurricane Fiona.