United States House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence

The former Trump donor, who spent over a year helping Rudy Giuliani dig up dirt on the Bidens, has said he's willing to work with impeachment investigators.
“There is nothing left to do but collate it," Laurence Tribe told MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell.
Speaking to reporters outside the White House, the president read from handwritten notes claiming his innocence.
Ranking member Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) kicked things off by ignoring Alexander Vindman's rank of lieutenant colonel, and other Republicans piled on.
"Do not worry," the top Ukraine expert for the National Security Council told his father, who fled the Soviet Union with his family 40 years ago.
Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman said he believes Trump offered Ukraine little choice if it wanted to receive U.S. military aid.
Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman and adviser Jennifer Williams heard the July 25 phone call for themselves.
"I think part of it is his own insecurity as an imposter," said the House Speaker.
Yovanovitch, who was removed as ambassador to Ukraine, will be the third witness to publicly testify in the House's impeachment inquiry into President Trump.
Several more witnesses are scheduled to testify in the coming week that President Trump withheld military aid from Ukraine as he pushed a probe into rival Joe Biden.