United States House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence

Read live updates as Bill Taylor, the top U.S. diplomat in Ukraine, and State Department official George Kent speak on Trump’s Ukraine dealings.
"They are chasing daily conspiracy theories on this Ukraine hoax," the Trump-defending lawmaker told Fox News host Tucker Carlson.
President Trump has ramped up his attacks on the whistleblower, demanding to know their identity while railing against the impeachment inquiry as a "coup."
John Dowd, who is representing Rudy Giuliani's associates in impeachment investigations, is being eaten alive on Twitter for a very weird reason.
The president's allies fanned out across the Sunday talk shows with myriad responses.
Democratic leaders have instructed committees to move quickly after revelations that President Trump asked the Ukrainian president to investigate Joe Biden.
A member of the House Intelligence Committee says Giuliani could be the best witness because he "doesn't know what he shouldn't say."
The whistleblower complaint filed regarding Trump’s Ukraine phone call mentions “White House officials with direct knowledge” as sources.
The president reportedly made the comment as acting DNI Joseph Maguire testified about the complaint before the House Intelligence Committee.
The Republican congressman made the unrelated allegation during a hearing about a whistleblower complaint against Trump.