Mick Mulvaney

The former chief of staff said earlier that he warned Trump against hiring a "yes man" because it would get him impeached.
Trump's former pal shared some tough love with the president's acting chief of staff during a CNN appearance.
The former Bush administration official wonders what the secretary of state is hiding.
The president on Sunday afternoon suggested he decided not to hold G-7 at Doral because of Democrats and the news media.
President Donald Trump’s acting chief of staff went on television Sunday to defend his boss in effusive terms. He ended up making a new problematic comment.
The secretary of state stuck with the White House's messaging following the acting chief of staff's candid acknowledgment of the deal in a press briefing.
The acting chief of staff defended the president wanting to host the G-7 summit at his private Florida estate despite ethics concerns.
Francis Rooney suggested he might be willing to vote for Trump's ouster.
In the four weeks since Nancy Pelosi launched the investigation, Trump has taken steps that have drawn more criticism, not less.
"And that’s exactly what he wants," said Walter Shaub, the former head of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics.